Can Not Changing Your AC Filter Make You Sick?

If the air cleaner is clogged and can't keep contaminants out of the air as they should, those items can return to the air you breathe. As a result, immediate problems could include itchy eyes or throat, headaches, and more. A clogged filter can cause your heating and cooling system to become inefficient. All air passing through your systems must pass through the filter.If the filter is dirty and full of dust, airflow is restricted.

This can cause your heating and cooling system to work harder than it should, and ultimately lead to premature wear and tear, total system failure, or costly utility bills every month. As long as you change your air filter regularly, you can minimize the effects of dirty air. Contaminants and small contaminants can make you sick if you don't keep the filter clean.Dirty air filters may be to blame, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI). Studies show that indoor air pollution caused by a dirty air filter can trigger allergic reactions and sinus congestion in people who are allergic to animals, pollen and mold.

An air filter can collect and house these allergens and allow them to circulate around homes when the air conditioner is in use. The air in your air conditioner is filtered through the system five to seven times a day.That's a lot of circulation, carrying whatever's inside your air conditioner. Pollen, mold and germs will spread rapidly throughout any building. All of these can make people sick.

Change the air conditioner filter and avoid sick building syndrome. Your employees will thank you for not causing them to suffer from allergies and illnesses.If the air filter is clogged and can't trap contaminants like it used to, those things can go back to the air that everyone in your home breathes. Immediate problems may include headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness. If air filters are not changed and problems persist, long-term effects could be respiratory disease, heart disease, or cancer.When an air filter is clean, its primary function is to filter dust, mold spores, pollen, and other airborne matter.

The problem is that when an air filter is dirty or “full”, its ability to filter these particles drastically decreases. Over time, contaminants essentially build up in the ducts, which means they are free to blow throughout the house. Inhaling these contaminants can exacerbate symptoms associated with a cold or respiratory infection, not to mention the flu.For people with asthma, these particles can cause an asthma attack. Air filters are usually made of spun fiberglass or pleated paper and are surrounded by a cardboard frame.

Depending on the type of air filter you use, you will need to follow different programs to ensure that the filter is always working and achieving optimal performance. The high flow means that more air can flow through the filter more easily, making the oven work efficiently.For example, suppose debris from a dirty air filter has contributed to higher measurements of mold in a home's air. Read on to learn more about how old, dirty air filters can contribute to an unhealthy environment and possibly create a negative effect on your health. So why not protect and preserve the expensive systems that heat and cool your home, and keep your family comfortable during excruciatingly hot summers and cold winters? Changing your home's air filter is one of the simplest yet most powerful and effective ways to do it.

While the filter is designed to accommodate these tiny elements, the buildup creates a nearly impenetrable barrier so that air cannot fully flow which can ultimately cause multiple problems for the entire HVAC system.In addition to regularly changing your air filter, you should also make sure to schedule annual adjustment appointments with a professional for your heating and cooling systems. When air filters are not constantly changed they become clogged by the accumulation of particles and contaminants that adhere to the filter. A clogged air filter increases the risk of these symptoms because it cannot trap impurities before air passes through the ventilation grilles in the house. HVAC air filters work in partnership with your home's heating and cooling system to keep it running smoothly and efficiently.The health problems you experience as a result of the dirty filter are likely due to allergic reactions to particles in the air.

The air filter helps trap all dust and other particles preventing them from entering the air and spreading.

Janice Kampman
Janice Kampman

Subtly charming musicaholic. Zombie evangelist. Incurable travel lover. Devoted beer enthusiast. Passionate zombie specialist.

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